Thursday, November 17, 2011

Accidental Intellectuals

One day on Okinawa, Cynthia and I decided to see a movie on Kadena.

Now, for those of you who don't know much about military theaters, they are not huge. There's only one screen, and they only play a few movies at a time, rotating them between time slots over a week or so.

We'd been out and about, probably window shopping off base or something. It was coming up on one of the showtimes, and one of us had read that Anger Management (Adam Sandler and Jack Nicholson) was playing during that slot, so we headed to the theater.

We bought our tickets, went all the way through the lobby snack bar line, sat down, stood for the National Anthem, then settled in with our snacks. Of course, I'm sure we were non-stop chit-chatting the entire time.

The movie opened to someone sprinting down a long, straight highway in the middle of a desert. Bizarre. Hmm. We munched our popcorn and kept watching.

I think it was about 5 minutes into the movie that we realized we were not watching Anger Mangement. It turned out to be quite an interesting movie about the death penalty: The Life of David Gale (Kevin Spacey and Kate Winslet). Soooo not an Adam Sandler movie!

We had a good laugh at our scheduling fail and how we made it all the way past the beginning of the movie before realizing our mistake. We still laugh about it to this day. I think we both enjoyed the movie, though. I still haven't seen Anger Management and, in hindsight, I'm much happier to have watched this thought-provoking drama instead of a silly Billy Madison production. Good trade. :-)

© 2011 Deana Wallace
"Hmm...yes, quite."

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